Bitten Hegelund

Bitten Hegelund

Textile artist & textile printer

Raadvad, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark


Website designed by Kiosk Studio
(Anne Voola, Josefin Askfelt & Emil Willumsen)

Supported by:

Featured in Publications

1996– Included in Kraks Blå Bog (Danish Who’s Who)

2021 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Denmark

2021 Exhibition catalogue,, archive

2021 Jette Lykke Nielsen: Pandemiens Aftryk (Imprint of the Pandemic) in Magasinet Kunst

2019 Is This Colour?

2019 Exhibition catalogue,


2019 Biennale for Crafts & Design

2019 Exhibition catalogue,, archive

2004 Nordic Cool: Hot Women Designers

2004 Exhibition catalogue published by National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC

1997 OCTO: a book by and about OCTO, funded by the Danish Ministry of Culture as part of a book series on crafts and design, published by Rhodos

1997 Arne Karlsen: Dansk Design ved Årtusindeskiftet (Danish Design at the Turn of the Millennium), published by Chr. Ejlers, Copenhagen

1990 Chloë Colchester: The New Textiles, published by Thames & Hudson


2016 From Lausanne to Beijing: 9th International Fiber Art Biennale

2016 Guan Shan Yue Art Museum, bronze medal

1998 The Georg Jensen Prize awarded to OCTO

1996 Prize from the Danish Arts Foundation for Marokkopuder (Puffs), part of the Duplika exhibition at the Danish Architecture Center, with OCTO

1993 Hetsch Medal

1992 Honorary Award for Interplays 92

1992 Part of the International Exhibition of Crafts and Applied Art in Bratislava, with OCTO

Travels and Residencies

2010 USA

2005 India

1992 Japan

1991 USA

1986 Japan


1994 Poul Michelsen Honorary Grant awarded to OCTO

1989 Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968, Danish Arts Foundation, Thomas B. Thriges Fond and L.F. Foghts Fond, among others

Selected Exhibitions

2023 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen

2022 Tradition is Contemporary: Indian and Danish textiles in art and design National Crafts Museum, New Delhi, India

2022 Stoftryk Tre (Textile Printing Three), Udstillingssted for Tekstil (Exhibition Venue for Textile), Copenhagen

2021 Biennale for Crafts & Design: Takeaway, Koldinghus, Kolding, Denmark

2020 Metervarer (Piecegoods), Udstillingssted for Tekstil

2019 Stoftryk (Textile Printing), Udstillingssted for Tekstil

2019 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Nordatlantens Brygge (North Atlantic House), Copenhagen

2019 Is this Colour?, The Round Tower, Copenhagen

2019 Stil o Teks (Style o Tex), Udstillingssted for Tekstil

2018 10th International Fiber Art Biennale: From Lausanne to Beijing, Tsinghua University Art Museum, Beijing, China

2016 Art in Embassy, curated Danish crafts and design objects for the Danish Embassy in Washington, DC, commissioned by the Danish Arts Foundation

2016 9th International Fiber Art Biennale: From Lausanne to Beijing, Guan Shan Yue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

2013 Kunstforeningen af 14. August (Art Association of 14 August), Montana showroom, Copenhagen (Lund & Hegelund)

2011 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Koldinghus; nominated for the Biennale Prize.

2011 Mini Tekstiler (Mini Textiles), arranged by Stoftrykker & Væverlauget (Textile Printers’ and Weavers’ Guild), Nordre Mølle, Kongens Lyngby, and Nicolai, Kolding

2009 Kunstforeningen af 14. August, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen (Lund & Hegelund)

2006 Tid Til (Time for), The Round Tower

2006 Beklædning til stol og krop: Tekstiler i striber – på langs og på tværs (Fabrics for chair and body: Textiles in stripes – this way and that), The Round Tower, Sønderborg Castle and Tekstilforum (Textile Forum), Herning, Denmark

2004 Nordic Cool: Hot Women Designers, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC

2004 STUFF, York Quai Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2004 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Trapholt, Kolding, and Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, Denmark

2004 SOFA: Sculptural Objects / Functional Art, Chicago, with Gallery DeCraftig

2003 Artists at Work: New Technology in Textile and Fibre Art, Museo del Tessuto (Museum of Textile), Prato, Italy

2003 SOFA: Sculptural Objects / Functional Art, Chicago, with Gallery DeCraftig

2003 Derfor (That’s Why), arranged by Danish Crafts, Paustian, Copenhagen

2002 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen

2001 OCTO, Randers Art Museum, Denmark

1999 Sjaler (Shawls), Tekstil Forum

1999 New Scandinavia: Aktuelles Design aus dem Norden (Contemporary Design from the North), Museum Angewandte Kunst, Cologne, Germany and Die Neue Sammlung, Munich, Germany

1999 OCTO, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

1998 Georg Jensen Prisen (The Georg Jensen Prize), Designmuseum Danmark, with OCTO

1998 Sjaler, The Round Tower

1997 OCTO, Frederiks Bastion, Copenhagen

1996 I Tråd med Tiden (In Line with Time), Munkeruphus, Dronningemølle, Denmark

1996 Duplika (Duplicates), Danish Architecture Center, Copenhagen, with OCTO

1995 Design Aktuelt (Contemporary Design), Sophienholm, Kongens Lyngby

1995 OZONE, Tokyo, Japan

1995 From Golden Day to Present Day, Edinburgh, Scotland

1995 Paperworks, Vaerket, Randers, Denmark, with OCTO

1994 Danish Days, Ljubljana, Slovenia, arranged by The Danish Cultural Institute in Vienna, Austria

1994 Hetsch Medal, Designmuseum Danmark

1994 Dagligdagens Rum & Ritualer (Everyday Rooms & Rituals), Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, with OCTO

1994 New Scandinavian Furniture Fair, Bella Center, Copenhagen, with OCTO

1994 OCTO Møblerer Munkeruphus (OCTO Furnishes Munkeruphus), Munkeruphus

1993 OCTO, Brandts, Odense, Denmark

1993 Blå Fjord (Blue Fiord), Langes Magasin, Frederikssund, Denmark

1993 OCTO, Kvadrat, Ebeltoft, Denmark

1993 New Scandinavian Furniture Fair, Bella Center, with OCTO

1992 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen

1992 ID-Forum, Tobaksgården, Horsens, Denmark, with OCTO

1992 3rd International Textile Competition, Kyoto, Japan

1992 Interplays 92: The International Exhibition of Crafts and Applied Art

1992 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, with OCTO

1992 New Scandinavian Furniture Fair Bella Center, with OCTO

1991 New Scandinavian Furniture Fair, Bella Center, with OCTO

1990 Møbler & Textiler (Furniture & Textiles), O-Overgaden, Copenhagen, with OCTO

1989 Tryk På (Imprint), Esbjerg Art Museum, Denmark

1988 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition, Kunsthal Charlottenborg

1987 21 Profiler (21 Profiles), The Round Tower, Brandts Klædefabrik and Esbjerg Art Museum


1983–1987 Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation, Textile Design (The School of Decorative Art), Copenhagen, Denmark

Studio, Employment and Commissions

1987– Own textile printing studio

2006–2018 Design studio Lund & Hegelund with textile designer Marie Lund; design and production of scarves in India and Nepal

2022 - Danish Art Workshops;, Copenhagen – consultant; textile workshop

2003–2004 Member of Gallery DeCraftig, Copenhagen

2001 Head of Textile Printing Workshop at the Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation

1989–2001 Member of OCTO, design group based in Copenhagen

2000 Exhibition design and concept for DANSK FORM: Design Vom Nachbarn, Stilwerk, Hamburg and DANSK FORM: Design für Kinder und ihre Eltern, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, with OCTO

2000 CIRCLE: printed puff, collaboration with Erik Jørgensen A/S

1997 Textile design for Jan Machenhauer, ZONE 1, Copenhagen

1997 Design proposal for the Danish Cultural Institute, Rome, Italy, with OCTO

1995–1997 Member of Officinet Committee for Danish Crafts & Design Association, Copenhagen

1996 Co-initiator of the exhibition concept Biennale for Crafts & Design, Denmark

1996 Colour design Genoa for chair designed by Troels Grum Schvensen for the furniture maker E.H. Møbler

1989–1991 Freelance designer, InWear, Copenhagen, Museums and Collections

2016 Danish Arts Foundation

2004 Designmuseum Danmark

2000 Kunstforeningen af 14. August, Kunstforeningen A.K. (Art Association A.K.)

1999 The Grainer Collection, Washington, DC

1997 Kunstforeningen af 14. August

1990 Designmuseum Danmark